October 23, 2011

How to Make practice Rubber Stamps

Did you know that you can create your own institution rubber stamp for all of your crafting projects?

Do you enjoy creating institution artwork? Are you into development unique holiday cards?

Basic Stamp Kit

basic stamp kit

Do you enjoy scrap booking and other home crafts?

Have you ever wished you could make your own rubber stamp for a special project? Now you can.

It used to be that you had to go through a business to have a special mold made. You were subject to a one-time mold setup fee. Then you were required to buy a determined whole of the stamps and in the end you still did not own the stamp. The business keeps the mold! Or charges you a high price to get it from them.

What if you only want one stamp? What if you'd like to keep your produce safe? The reply is to make your own. It is not as hard as you think.

Here is how you make your own rubber stamp:

Design Creation

  1. Create your produce in Black & White on your computer using anything graphics software you are comfortable with. You can also draw it by hand and whether scan it in or use an Intuois drawing pad. If you don't have a scanner you can take your drawing to an office store and have them scan it.
  2. Copy it and Reverse the Black and White in the image so that the black part of the produce becomes that part that you will want ink to be on when you stamp it on a piece of paper. Save the reverse image as a separate file from your primary design. You will be able to use the primary produce to create institution stencils later. If you can't get it reversed with your software you can print it using reversing negatives. They come in the kit with the Art Stamp Maker.
  3. Print your reverse image produce onto a clear transparency.

Use the Art Stamp Maker

  1. Put the transparency with your institution produce on the double Glass Frame.
  2. Place the Rubber Dam around your produce as close as potential to the produce without crowding it too much.
  3. Cover the produce with the Liqui-Stamp (Polymer). Note: The rubber dam material is placed close to the produce to save on Liqui-Stamp Polymer.
  4. Expose the whole thing for 8 Minutes in The Art Stamp Maker. Kind of reminds you of using an easy bake oven. This allows the Liqui-stamp polymer to hardeninto a industrial ability art stamp.
  5. Wash off the excess unexposed Liqui-Stamp with the brush provided in the kit and check to see if the stamp is thoroughly clean and ready to trim and mount.
  6. Dry your institution art stamp and trim off any excess material. Glue it to any mount of your choice. It can be a uncomplicated block of wood or a fancy commercially made mount. It is up to you.

The certainly Super Cool Part

  • You now have a industrial ability stamp of your own personal produce and you did it in less than 15 minutes!
  • Your negative copy can be reused again and again to make the same stamp. That means you can sell your produce or share it with friends and family.
  • The Art Stamp Maker can handle up to 25 square inches(4 ½" x 5 ½") at a time so you can make more than one at a time.
  • You can make a full plate of Art Stamps at one time.
  • You can have words or a produce or both.

Things to do with your institution Stamp

  • Make Personalized Greeting Cards
  • Decorate your walls, cabinets, doors
  • Dress up your scrap book
  • Put your business logo on it
  • Make your own stationary
  • Use it to turn an old piece of furniture into a great piece of art

Have Fun!

How to Make practice Rubber Stamps

basic stamp kit

Air Pressure Sensor